If you wish to take out the multi-risk cancellation insurance offered by La Bicyclette Verte, we invite you to do so at the same time as you book your bike trip.
La Bicyclette Verte offers you INSUREVER's multi-risk cancellation insurance: "Galaxy Confiance Travel Insurance".
Here is the summary of the guarantees that this cancellation-multi-risk insurance gives you:
>> Consult the completes General Terms and Conditions
TSA 11412
Tél : 01 73 03 41 01
S.A.R.L. au capital de 516 500 € - RCS Paris B 384.706.941
Société de courtage et de gestion d’assurance immatriculée à l’ORIAS
sous le n°07 028 567 (www.orias.fr)
Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution - 4, place de Budapest - CS 92459 - 75436 PARIS Cedex 9